

Art is defined as the expression of human creative skill and imagination, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. JP’s creations are a credit to his love for what he does and his infectious character.

As mountain bikers we are blessed to have JP be a part of our universe.

Give us an intro or brief way you’d summarise yourself?

A dirt loving scoundrel.

What’s your take on the varying levels of approaches to trail building?

Anarchy rules. Just don’t build shit shit and don’t piss off the wrong people. And for the love of god if your take off is bigger than your landing punch yourself in the face as hard as you can, then keep stacking it you lazy cunt.

How do you feel about peoples attitudes regarding trail building?

Other than hardcore builders and the locals and OGs of a spot I try not to give a fuck. I do sometimes, but it’s a rabbit hole of vexation. Fuck, I was getting mad about some shit recently and it hit me - I’m in the woods, my favourite place in the world, in the sun, with the best materials to hand, doing exactly what I love and want to be doing… and I’m mad??? What the fuck dude get a grip hahaha.

What are your thoughts on sharing spots and people riding beyond their limits in these instances, e.g. the skipper?


Don’t bait shit out by posting locations if it’s illegal. Seems kinda obvious but it’s rampant. Don’t be asking ‘where is this?’ online. If you want to find out you should put in the work physically to engage with a scene or people in the woods to find out. Gotta earn that shit. And definitely don’t be posting into the local facebook groups asking ‘when’s it going to be open?’. No one wants to hear that shit - it’s open when it’s open and the builders don’t give a fuck how eager you are if you’ve never put any shovel time in. 

As far as riding beyond your limits - do whatever you want in that regard. You are 100% responsible for yourself so if you want to push yourself, go nuts. I’m all for that. But if you get hurt and can get yourself out of the woods, do it. Don’t be calling mountain rescue and bringing heat to a spot because you broke your wrist and you’re too much of a pussy to move.  

What do you believe defines a professional builder?

The love. If you’re building for work but don’t dig your own shit what the fuck are you doing here?

(And/or) What does it take to be a trail builder?

Just tag @kiingofspades @godsofdirt @builtwithdirt in everything you do so it’s reposted and you’ve made it hahaha. For real though - love, fucking hard work, the drive to learn, do better & to be better. Be a good rider obviously. Be a dirtbag. Flexibility. Ambition. Don’t be a shit cunt.

No one wants to dig with a shit cunt no matter how good they are.

Do any frustrations arise from having to follow a brief when building for a client?

Only really if your ego is getting in your way. This has definitely been a big lesson for me. On a job you can have grandiose ideas and things you think would be really sick, but at the end of the day if you’re getting paid it’s down to the client. I will always offer my creative input when asked and when it’s appropriate, and there’s usually an element of creative freedom within the brief anyway, but if the client wants something a certain way they’re paying you to realise their vision, not yours. That’s what your own shit is for. Self confidence whilst keeping the ego in check is key.


How does your professional and personal building vary?

If you’re paying me, I will work like fuck to realise your vision as best I can. If I’m building for myself, I can do whatever I want. No one can tell me what to do. Ain’t no one got the budget for the level I like to build at yet anyway… maybe one day i’ll figure that out.

Any learning curves you’ve faced?

So many dude. I was thinking recently about how much I’ve learnt this past year alone. Blows my mind. Socrates comes to mind - ‘Wisest is he who knows what he does not know’. It’s a bastardisation of the true quote but that’s always how my dad’s said it. I thought I knew what it meant until recently, and I definitely still don’t understand! Haha! Building doesn’t get any easier, you just get better.

Trail builder I suppose is the tag line but have you had to learn any other surprising skills or roles you’ve taken on in pursuit of doing it professionally?


Fuck dude there’s so many. Working with people is probably a big one. Trail builders by nature are pretty weird people so that can be a challenge at times, especially if you’re working away and with them 24/7. But if you leave the ego at the door, be a good cunt and do your shit the very best you can, you’re golden.

Who or what do you use for inspiration for your creations?

The biggest inspirations in my life are my friends. I feel so blessed to kick it with some cool ass people. Ollie Hindley has been a huge inspiration for me over the past year or two. On pretty much every level (building style, ethic, outlook) but I will say when you see that dude using a shovel it’s jaw dropping. Max Nerurkar always - dude’s on some next level creatively. TK and Fabs at Banana. Rat and Loose. I could go into so much depth here but for the sake of keeping it short the running theme is that every person on this list has forged their own unique path and is doing their own shit for themselves. That’s what gets me going man, bucking trends or expectations and doing some new shit. That’s real.

You must get an immense sense of satisfaction when you turn around and take in your completed builds?

Fuck yeah dude if you’re not stoked on what you do then keep going until you are innit! Haha! It’s always a mindfuck - every feature has different complex geometry. First tyres on the dirt are always the true test and it’s such a good feeling when something rides how you’ve envisioned. If those tyres mark perfectly through the middle of the whole feature it hits deep to the core.


Talk to us about Trail Shark

Trail Shark came about spending a bunch of time with Ollie and getting deep, deep into every aspect of building. One thing amongst it all was that you can’t buy a decent shovel in the UK. Ollie had a sick head that he had cut down and put a curved euro handle on out in Austria, and that thing was fucking amazing and unlike anything available. So we experimented a bunch, sourced the right shit, dialled in a few things and made our own available to buy. Straight up - for trail building there is no better shovel out there. We’ve put a fuckload of time into them so I can say that with the greatest confidence. Every single aspect of what makes a good shovel has been considered to great length and we would proudly give one to anyone and bet they’d say the same. Go get that shit you won’t regret it.

What’s your take on Mtb culture as a whole these days?

Generally, it fucking sucks. There’s a lot of people doing really cool shit but the mainstream is so fucking lame. I try not to think about it.

Your creations can have a tendency to go somewhat viral, how do you feel about that?

I’ve got mixed feelings about it. On one hand I hate instagram and all that but used well it is amazing to gain inspiration and connect with people doing cool shit. Conversely it’s cool putting out stuff I’m really stoked on that pushes a different direction to the norm. Honestly though, It’s a great marketing tool so I try to stay somewhat active.


Have any problems or even gains for the community come to your attention with the extra popularity mtb has gathered due to covid?

Right now the woods are pretty active on the digging front and there’s a lot of people building different shit around which is amazing.

It’s pretty easy to fathom what side of the vlog fence you sit on, give us a delve into your thoughts on the Vlog culture we have these days.

Fuck a vlog. Make better content ya fuckin kook.

What does a typical ride look like for you currently?

Go dig, hit a few laps when someone comes through then probably dig some more. Riding in the wet sucks so I don’t ride all that much through winter but summer’s just about hit so I’m on my bike a lot more.

Some of your proudest achievements, moments or creations?

That’s a hard one. Generally I’m proud of myself for the path I’m on and making shit happen in my own way. That jump line out in Portugal was fucking amazing though so maybe that. That 4th jump was something else. I’m mad proud of these shovels.

Max/3dumb riding

Max/3dumb riding Chiba, Portugal

What are your ambitions for the future?

So much. Figuring out a way to get paid building exactly what I want at the high sculptural level that really gets me going is the big one. Everything else is an avenue within that. Keep growing, learning and improving. Do all that travelling to cool places. Get some land and convert a double decker bus. Ride big jumps.

Final words of wisdom?


Build good shit.


James Crossland


Jeff Erickson